July 1, 2011

We Can't Afford to Get This Wrong.

Love Wins was kind of a big thing a couple months ago and I think that it had good and bad effects. For bad it was Rob Bell leading astray thousands of people but also for many it was a wake up call to get in your Bibles and really read the words of God for yourself.

In this video, Francis Chan brings up the problem of people who think "well I don't think God would...." Really? You are seriously fitting God into your box because it is not conceivable for you for God to have a much more developed sense of love, or mercy, or justice.

I think that we very easily agree with Chan on this subject, particularly in light of Rob Bell's book "Love Wins," and we are very indignant to see someone limit God because he/she can't fathom it. We become so angry and annoyed at the arrogance of some men.


I think this is much more than just Rob Bell's problem. I think this is YOUR problem. As I reflect on this, I have realized this is also MY problem. We can so easily place our reasoning over the sound word of God and not even realize we do it. I know that I am not right 100% of the time, but most of the day my pride tells me I'm always right.

We lean so heavily on our experiences and our teaching from other fallen human beings rather than on the word of God and I think that more than we realize we say I don't think God would do this or that and therefore he wouldn't.

So, why is our reasoning so off? I think it is because we aren't putting the infallible word of God as the core for our beliefs but rather putting our own experiences and teachings as the base. We have built our house on the sand rather than the rock and we will be swept away if we don't change.

Get in the Holy Bible today and let it direct your life rather than you. Also, pray. Pray that God would grant you understanding of His words so that you can allow the Bible to be the rock you stand on. Pray that you would not cage God in your own ideas and emotions but allow Him to permeate your lives through Christ as He is the message of the Bible. And pray for others, we are all struggling together.

We Can't Afford to Get This Wrong.

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