January 11, 2012

We're Not The Point

I've been seeing this video posted a lot today and I just watched it. I thought that it was good; however, there is one sentence that bothered me a bit and would like to caution against.

At one point the speaker says that while Jesus was on the cross he was "thinking about you."

The problem I have with that is that Jesus came not to die for us, strictly speaking, but for Himself. God is ultimately about Himself. We are not the point, God is and always will be. We revere those around us greater than ourselves and no one is greater than the Lord. Therefore it would be wrong for God to make much of anyone other than Himself. The death of Jesus on the cross to save us from damnation was not about us but about the glorification of God through is Son on this Earth.

The grace of God is so magnified in the cross that it should drive us to our knees in reverence and worship. We are all guilty sinners, and none of us has anything special that made God think, "I need him or her on my team." The fact that we have not been wiped from this planet is a token of the grace and mercy of God and for which we should worship Him all the more.

Again, I liked this video for all of it accept that one statement, which I wish could have been left out or altered.

We are not the point, God is. The death of Christ was for God's glorification through our salvation

"I will praise you, O Lord my God,
with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever."
- Psalm 86:12