January 25, 2013

The Chase

It has been quite a while since I last really posted, I have had many ideas and topics which have been floating about but just haven't had much time to sit down and write it out. I however am writing now because I can't get an image out of my head and I just want to share it.

I'm not sure where it came from or why, but what I can't seem to get away from and just keep thinking and overwhelming myself with, is this image of chasing after God.

Now everyone has heard all the Bible references about the Christian walk being like a race that we run but for some reason  this image has just become real to me. I am running there is pain and exhaustion when I run it's not easy but the goal at the end of this race is God and that is worth all the side aches and shortness of breathe.

More specifically though I have just had this image of a child chasing his father. A child will do anything to reach his father but sometimes that child falls along the way. A child is not as stable on their feet as an adult it doesn't take much for them to trip. But what happens next is the greatest part. The child is met by his father and picked up and comforted before the chase again resumes.

This is the image I have been seeing in my own life and walk. I am striving so hard to get to the Father, but I trip and fall, I am not yet sure of foot. I still have a long way to grow. But I am not left in my pain and disgrace from having fallen God meets me where I am in the form of Jesus Christ who picks me up and offers comfort and direction. He points me to the Father so I can resume my chase after Him. The joy and prize of my faith.

I can do nothing but marvel at the grace of God.

Hebrews 12:1-2

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

1 Corinthians 9:24

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.

January 18, 2013

Ethiopia Trip

Scott Green

Moody Bible Institute
820 N. LaSalle Blvd.
Chicago, IL  60610

Dear Friends and Family,

The Moody Bible Institute men’s basketball team is on the verge of seeing God’s faithfulness at work in ways we could never imagine for ourselves.  He has opened a door for cross-cultural ministry through the use of basketball.

I am committed to making Jesus Christ known to the world.  As a member of the Moody Bible Institute men’s basketball team I make that commitment to the team and humbly before God.  Through our team, we desire to encourage believers and communicate our love for Jesus Christ.

We are looking forward to seeing God work this spring.  In mid-March, Innovative Missions Opportunities (IMO) has invited us to come to Ethiopia to minister to local national families and individuals.  The goal of IMO is to bring the gospel to parts of the world where the gospel has never been before.  We will be working alongside the missionaries to encourage and train the Ethiopian people in the Word of God, using sports as a ministry, and basketball.  We will be running clinics and encouraging them through Bible studies and worshipping with them.  In the times we are not running clinics, we will have opportunities to participate in various ministries throughout Ethiopia.  These might include sharing in churches, house churches, ministering with children, encouraging and supporting the local missionaries, and playing basketball games against Ethiopian teams.

We are looking for individuals to be involved with us as we prepare for this trip. If I can ask only one thing from you, I would ask that you shower our team and this trip with prayer. Specifically pray that God will do a mighty work in our lives and equip us for His service.  Also, ask God whether He would have you partner with us financially. Please pray that the Lord unites us as a group and prepares us for the task ahead.

I look forward to sharing the fruits of God’s ministry with you upon our return.  May God richly bless you.

Sincerely in Christ,

Scott Green

Please complete the Minisrty Trip Response Card and mail it directly to:

DRM Department- Moody Basketball Team/Ethiopia
Moody Bible Institute
820 N. La Salle
Chicago, IL 60610

                If you are participating financially, you may do so by check, payable to the Moody Bible Institute, or by credit card.  Tax-deductible receipts will be issued to all donors including the student.  The cost of the trip is $2500 per person.  This includes training, travel, and ministry expenses.  **In the event I do not go on the trip or I raise money over what is required, the money will be used to support similar missions’ projects and administrative expenses, and will be under the complete discretion and control of the Moody Bible Institute. Therefore your contribution is nonrefundable.