Recently my attention has been drawn to Penn State University and the appalling scandal that is developing. An ex-defensive coordinator is being charged with something like 40 counts of child molestation, involving 8 boys that we know of and possibly dozens more. This person is currently out on bail living 1000ft from an elementary school. He started a charity for at risk children and as it turns out it is those, already at-risk children, that this man has been preying on. It is sick and terrible.
The worst part is that there have been countless number of people who had a chance to stop this man from ruining the lives of these children and their families and they did NOTHING.
There have been eyewitnesses that reported this to his coach who in turn reported it to the athletic director who did nothing. This AD is currently being prosecuted, but this begs the question why did this eyewitness do nothing to stop the man and protect that child or at the very least dial 911? Why did this legendary coach who is known for his morals not follow up on this incident or call the cops himself? Why was this man allowed on campus as early as last week, when this person was being investigated as early as 1998? And why were the charges dropped the first time (I believe it was in 2002 or it was '07) and simply given this sorry excuse for a man a slap on the wrist?
All these questions are being asked right now and it seems that reporters are only scratching the surface of the heinous cover up which is nearly as heinous as the actions of the man, because they allowed this man to continue to do as he pleased and ruin more lives.
All of this is only a pointer to how far we as human beings have fallen since the garden and how far we continue to fall can only be imagined, but no one wants to do that so acts like this continue to happen because humanity is turning a blind eye to it.
So the next question that needs to be asked is, "how can humanity stop this downward tailspin of sin and horrors?" The only answer that is sufficient is that we need a savior. Creating our own solutions throughout history has only ever added to mutation and then new ways for sin. As humanity we have a way of mutating every good thing God has ever given to us, food, marriage, health, wealth, etc. We need to be saved from ourselves.
And that is where the gospel comes in. This world needs to know about Jesus Christ who died for the sin of you and me, not for His own for He had none. But the greatest thing is that He has risen and in doing so defeated sin and death and only asks for us to believe upon Him to be saved that we might be "sons of God."
This Penn State scandal is reminding me more than ever that I have this gospel and must take it to a world who needs it, whether that be across the ocean or next door.
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” (Romans 10:14-15 )All of humanity try's to cover up sin and offenses just like those involved at Penn State, but we as Christians are declared righteous and are being sanctified because of this gospel. Shall we not share the water of life to the world? It is the sick that need a physician and that is Jesus who has passed us the medicine to care for the world, let us not fail Him.