How often do you stop and think about the creation of the world? If your like me you think about it almost weekly. It is a strange and wonderful thing. We like to think of a vast empty universe, but before creation there was not even the vast vacuum we call the universe, there was nothing when God created everything. God created the world ex nihilo, "out of nothing."
Borrowing heavily from RC Sproul's book "The Holiness of God" I will help you think about nothing, or not think about nothing. But what is nothing. can you think about it? as soon as you do, you are thinking about something. Where can we find it? Obviously nowhere. It doesn't exist, if it did then it would be something. Think about it again, you can't, because as Sproul says, nothing is not an it. We can only say nothing Isn't.
Sproul then tries to define nothing kind of comically saying,
Jonathan Edwards once said that nothing is what sleeping rocks dream about. that doesn't help much. My son offered me a better definition of nothing. When he was in junior high, i asked him when he came home from school, " What did you do today, Son?" The reply was the same everyday: "Nuthin'." So the best explanation of "nothing" is "that which my son used to do everyday in junior high."Are you blown away by the thought of God creating this immense and awesome universe. Like a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat, except God didn't have a rabbit, or even a hat.
Modern day atheists and scientists will say that the world was created by chance. But as Dr. Sproul so rightly points out chance is not anything, it can do nothing because it is nothing. They pull the rabbit out of the hat without a rabbit, a hat, or even the magician. That is much more miraculous.
The power needed to create something out of nothing is something we cannot understand, it transcends us, and it makes God look oh so glorious.
However, even more amazing is the fact that, "God created the world out of nothing, but He recreates us out of a corrupt mass." - Paul Washer